Take 3 For The Sea

Linneys recently partnered with Take 3 For The Sea and North Cottesloe Surf Lifesaving Club for an event on Sunday 17th February 2019. Take 3 For The Sea is a global initiative to reduce plastic pollution going into our oceans. The message is simple - take 3 pieces of rubbish off the beach every time you leave. NCSLSC was the first club in Western Australia to be part of Take 3 For The Sea. Linneys has been sponsors of NCSLSC for years and also given our link to the ocean through our use of pearls, keeping the ocean clean directly relates to our business. Pearls are the precious gems that give life and form to our jewellery and plastic in our oceans is now recognised as a significant issue that could impact our pearl quality and supply if we don’t look after our ocean.

At the beach clean up we found a lot of rubbish including ear cotton tips, cigarette butts, lolly wrappers, bottle tops, food packaging, coffee cups and much more. All of the debris was logged into the Australian Marine Debris Institute computer system and Take 3 is looking into the source of the waste. This launch is just the start of our progression with Take 3 For The Sea and Linneys hopes that the message spreads among the community.